Players Benefits
There are 5 major players in the Loxodrome.
Liquidity Provider
Provide liquidity into the Loxodrome for supporting traders to trade on Loxodrome and receive 70% of the Epoch emission as rewards.
LoxoNFT Stakers
Double Dip: Earn 10% of all trading fees plus 5% of token emissions for the first 24 epochs.
Graduated Schedule: Trading fee share starts at 10% (months 1-2), tapers to 8% (months 3-5), and stabilizes at 5% (month 6 onward).
Passive Income Stream: Guaranteed income from both fees and emissions, regardless of market conditions.
Direct Influence & Rewards: Earn 7% of token emissions per epoch for shaping the protocol's future through voting.
Growing Income: From epoch 24, enjoy both 5% token emissions (5% per epoch) and higher trading fee share (70% - 100% after 6 months).
Last updated